Monday, April 6, 2009

Russian Prank Show on Sexy Girls

You know, a judge in Russia ruled that Sexual Harassment is necessary in order for there to be children. So, T.V. shows take advantage of this. I want to go to Russia, but until the economy gets better and TB there dies down, I guess I will just have to watch russian prank shows and their hot sexy TV clips.

Sexy Bikini Girl has to do a challenge

This sexy girl wearing a bikini has to go underwater with her hand tied to a pipe. Then, she crawls through slippery stuff and mud that is located in between a very enclosed platform. Camera angels are A+. That, along with the girl and choreographed challenge makes this a hot sexy TV clip.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sexy Surfing Many Girls, upskirts AND cleavage

What happens when you get many girls to simulate surf while in dresses and short skirts? You get an extremely hot sexy tv clip.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sexy French Game Show Cleavage PLUS bonus!

This game show compilation will make you not believe your eyes when you see how much time has passed by watching this Hot sexy TV clip.

Sexy French Game Show - Watch more Funny Videos
Still want to make time fly? Well, this isn't from a TV show, but instead it is a girl who has no idea what is going on changing clothes on a peeping tom video came. It's just as good if not better than a Hot Sexy TV clip.

Dress gets pulled off on TV show

Who knows what this is supposed to be about, but the host pulls the dress off of one girl, squeezes the breast of another, (all without them knowing what will happen) and it ends in a fashion display. This is one Hot Sexy TV clip.

Miss Venezuela loses bottom bikini!

In an attempt to pull off this skirt thing she had on, she also "accidently" pulled off the bottom of her bikini. A sexy view appears to make this a Hot Sexy TV clip.

Brazilian Game Show upskirts up stairs

The brazilians design sexy game shows... In this one, a hot girl in a sexy short denim skirt has to build stairs to climb on, which involves bending down. Add an expert cameraman, and you got a Hot Sexy TV clip.


Sexy Today Show Upskirt (Kyla Ebbert)

So Kyla Ebbert goes on saying she was kicked off the plane for wearing this skirt. Heck, I wouldn't mind sitting next to her.

Watch Here.